The FMJH would like to extend its warmest thanks to the generous donors who enable us to bring our programs to life with an intensity and efficiency that goes far beyond what we could do without their invaluable help.
EdF, which since 2012 has continuously supported the Gaspard Monge program for optimization, operations research and their interactions with data science (PGMO)
Thales, Orange, and Criteo for their contribution to PGMO during the periods 2017-2020,2018-2019 and 2018-2019 respectively.
The Pierre Lamoure Institute, which has faithfully supported the FMJH since 2021. Its investment in the MathTech and FMJHCare programs has enabled these to take off, and its support for PGMO has made it possible to initiate a call for research projects for young people
XTXMarkets, which has been supporting FMJH since 2022 through the FMJHCare program. In particular, it enables the FMJH and the FSMP, a partner in this operation, to welcome a large number of students in the Île-de-France region fleeing the war in Ukraine.
Microsoft-Research, which has enabled us to recruit a post-doc at the LMO in 2022 in the fast-developing field of formalized mathematics.
Qube-RT, which enabled EDMH to recruit a PhD student in applied mathematics in 2023.