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  • Governance and operation

    Mathematicians from the Paris-Saclay Campus are represented on all the FMJH's governance bodies, as well as on all the juries and program committees that prepare governance decisions.

    It can therefore be said that the FMJH's governance and operations are designed to ensure that it lives in symbiosis with the mathematical community of the Paris-Saclay Campus.

    Last but not least, the ongoing miracle of seeing all governance decisions implemented on time is only possible thanks to the motivation of an efficient operational team and the responsiveness of the FMJH member institutions' services.



    The FMJH is governed by an Executive Board, a Steering Committee, a Scientific Council and a Board of Trustees. The roles and composition of these bodies are set out in the FMJH's statutes . Here is a summary.


    --> The Executive Board

    Made up of a Director and his or her deputies, the Executive Board is responsible for setting scientific and budgetary guidelines for discussion by the other governing bodies, and for ensuring that the budget approved by the Board of Directors is properly implemented.

    --> The Steering Committee

    The life of the FMJH is punctuated by the six annual meetings of its Steering Committee. An essential link between FMJH management and the mathematical community of the Paris-Saclay Campus, the Steering Committee is both a decision-making body for the use of resources and a forum for reflection on how to develop FMJH programs or prepare new initiatives.

    --> The Scientific Council

    With its mathematicians from a wide range of backgrounds, both thematically and geographically, the Scientific Council provides the outside perspective essential to keeping the FMJH on its toes and in good scientific health. At its annual meeting, it decides on the name of the future speaker for the now prestigious Hadamard Lectures. It also plays the crucial role of debating the FMJH's major scientific orientations and formulating recommendations.

    --> The Board of Trustees

    It is the main body for budgetary control and decision-making. At its two annual meetings, it decides mainly on the provisional budget, on the one hand, and on the approval of the FMJH's accounts, on the other, aided by the report of an independent auditor on the day-to-day management of the accounts by the chartered accountant appointed by the FMJH. Board meetings are also occasions for exchange between the FMJH management team and representatives of the founding members.




    The FMJH operates through open, on-line calls for applications, which are publicized as widely as possible.

    Once the applications have been received, they are extracted by the FMJH's operational team, which plays a "front office" role in forwarding them to the jury chairmen and chairwomen, who then analyze the applications with a panel of experts.

    As these calls are linked to programs, the jury chairmen and program heads play a very important role in the life of the FMJH: they prepare all the decisions taken at the Steering Committee meetings, to which they are invited to comment on and present the work carried out by the juries.

    An important point needs to be stressed here: management appoints the juries and gives them a framework, but does not participate in them. As a result, management is not directly involved in any decisions concerning the selection or ranking of applications submitted online.

    Once these decisions have been voted by the Steering Committee, they need to be implemented. The "back office" role played by the FMJH's operational team is essential at this stage, as it involves signing an agreement with a partner (usually a member institution) to ensure that the resources actually reach their intended recipient (for example, a research unit affiliated to the FMJH).

    Since 2021, the University of Paris-Saclay's graduate school of mathematics has had staff resources, in particular to coordinate the mathematics and applications master's degree and the EDMH. In so doing, the graduate school of the University of Paris-Saclay is also doing a service to the students of these courses enrolled at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and is naturally entering into cooperation with the FMJH, which offers tools to support these same courses co-accredited by the University of Paris-Saclay. Here, then, are the friendly faces of those who work not for but with the FMJH to ensure the well-being of our students.

    Isabelle Jasinowski
    Operational Director

    Magali Le Chaponnier
    Business Development/Communications Project Manager


    Alexandra Genesco
    Responsible for Call for applications and projects/grants

    Pascal Massart
    Managing Director

    Isabelle Jasinowski
    Operational Director

    Vincent Bansaye
    Thematic Programs Coordinator

    Mathilde Mougeot
    Business Unit Manager

    Yvan Martel
    Graduate and Postdoctoral Program Manager

    Raphaël Cerf
    Math-Phy program manager

    Sylvain Ribault
    Math-Phy program manager

    Marie Doumic
    MathSV program manager

    Céline Levy-Leduc
    MathSV program manager

    Frédéric Chazal
    MathIA program manager

    Randal Douc
    MathIA program manager

    Christophe Chalons
    MathCSI program manager

    Pietro Congedo
    MathCSI program manager

    Sourour Elloumi
    PGMO program manager

    Stéphane Gaubert
    PGMO program manager

    Sylvie Méléard
    President fo the Jury Events

    Thomas Alazard
    Jury Master

    Sophie Donnet
    Jury Mediation

    Thomas Gauthier
    Jury Hadamard Lecturers

    Amandine Veber
    Jury Maryam Mirzakhani Junior Award

    Aline Lefebvre
    Jury FMJH-Care

    Erwan Le Pennec
    Jury MathTech

    Mickaël Latocca
    Jury PhD Track and Scientific visibility of early-career mathematicians "Junior Scientific Visibility" Program

    Clotilde D'Epenoux
    Administrative Coordinator

    Maéva Fezas
    Training Manager


    Ainhoa Aparicio Monforte
    Research Project Manager