Support for scientific events
The FMJH supports the organization of scientific events in the field of mathematics (conferences, colloquia, summer schools, etc.) within the Paris-Saclay area (or organized by mathematicians from the same area).
In line with its action plan for professional equality, the FMJH does not wish to fund events where the proportion of women on the scientific committee, the organizing committee or among guest speakers is lower than that of the interested community. The FMJH would also like to share with event organizers its concerns on the issue of social and environmental responsibility. In particular, it is advisable to travel by train whenever possible, and to avoid short stays with air travel from distant destinations.
Support for scientific outreach events
As part of its annual call for projects, "Votre région fait des maths et de l'info", the FMJH supports associations based in the Ile-de-France region, whose aim is to arouse interest in mathematics or information technology among schoolchildren and the general public. Associations of the same type that are not based in the South Ile-de-France region are invited to apply to the Blaise Pascal Foundation's call for proposals, which aims to support mediation in mathematics and computer science on a national scale. However, it is possible for one of these associations to apply for one-off support for a scientific mediation event organized within the Paris-Saclay area.
Application to support an event
Applications to support an event (whether scientific or scientific mediation) can be submitted online: Application for an event
Please note that applications are examined on an ongoing basis by the FMJH steering committee, which relies on the advice of a jury. To give the jury time to examine the applications, applications must be submitted at least 14 days before the next steering committee meeting. Late applications will be examined at the next steering committee meeting (see calendar).
Subsidized events in 2023
Maths for Scientific Computation and Engineering
Mathematics and Theorical Physics
- Probability and geometry on non-Euclidean spaces, du 2 au 6 octobre 2023 au CIRM à Marseille (LMO-UPSAY)
- French Japanese conference on probability & interactions, du 6 au 8 mars 2024 à l'IHES (IHES)
- Ecole chercheur StatMathAppli, du 17 au 22/09/23 à Fréjus (MaIAGE-INRAE)
- Arithmétique des formes automorphes, du 04/09 au 08/09 à Orsay (LMO-UPSAY)
- Journées X-UPS 2023, 20 et 21 avril 2023 à l'Ecole Polytechnique (CMLS-X)
- Global invariants of arithmetic varieties, du 9 au 13 octobre 2023 au CIRM (Luminy) (CMLS-X)
- Conférence grand public "Mois des mathématiques appliquées et industrielles", oct-Nov 2023 à Paris (SMAI)
- 6th mediterranean international conference of Puer and Applied Math and Related Areas (MICOPAM), du 23 au 27 août 2023 à Evry (LaMME-UEVE)
- 12ème édition du Forum Entreprises & Mathématiques, le 10 octobre 2023 à Paris (CNRS Alpes)