PhD award laureats 2024
Congratulations to :
- Tâm Lê - "Nonsmooth calculus and optimization for machine learning: first-order sampling and implicit differentiation"
- Antoine Oustry - "Global optimization of nonlinear semi-infinite programming problems: Applications in power systems and control"
PhD AWARD 2024
The Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization, Operations Research and their Interactions with Data Science, with the participation and scientific patronage of ROADEF and SMAI (MODE group), is launching a call for applications for two thesis prizes (1000€ each).
- Criteria: PhD theses, defended in France in 2023, making significant contributions in the field of optimization and operations research. These contributions can be theoretical or applicative and can be related to mathematics or computer science.
- Awards ceremony and presentation of the winners' work at the next PGMODAYS conference (November 19&20, 2024)
Submissions should be uploaded to the easychair website: closed
Closing date of the call: Tuesday 21rst, 2024 (Midnight - Paris Time)
- Additional information :
Documents to be provided: thesis manuscript, abstract of the thesis in English, pre-defense and defense reports, CV with list of publications. Optionally, any letter of support can be added to the file, or sent to Magali Le Chaponnier <> who will communicate it to the jury.
The jury for the 2024 edition is chaired by Luce Brotcorne (INRIA Lille):
Members appointed by the PGMO Scientific Council
Guillaume Carlier (CEREMADE, Dauphine)
Johanne Cohen (LISN, Paris Sud)
Nicolas Gast (INRIA, Grenoble)
Members appointed by the ROADEF
Boris Detienne (IMB, Univ. de Bordeaux),
Dominique Feillet (LIMOS, Mines de St Etienne)
Rosa Figueiredo (LIA Univ. d'Avignon),
Members appointed by the group MODE of SMAI
Alexandre d’Aspremont (INRIA, ENS),
Luce Brotcorne (INRIA, Lille),
Yannick Privat (IECL, Nancy)