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  • The LabEx Mathématique Hadamard (LMH)

    In 2012, the FMJH won the LabEx call for projects under the Plan d'Investissement d'avenir, and the director of the FMJH also became the scientific leader of a LabEx: the LabEx Mathématique Hadamard, supported by IDEX Paris-Saclay. His scientific policy, coordinated with that of the FMJH, has boosted support for mathematics at interfaces with other disciplines, as well as doctoral training. The LMH was renewed in 2019, and its non-consumable endowment was extended at the same time as the IDEX Paris-Saclay, which since December 31, 2022 has been free to use the interests arising from it (as with the other LabExes for which it was responsible) to implement its own policy. From a formal point of view, the LMH entity, supported by the IdEx and developing its actions autonomously, with control exercised nationally by the ANR and locally by a board of trustees, therefore came to an end on December 31, 2022. It is worth recalling its structure and scientific policy. The latter was coordinated with that of the FMJH, and essentially consisted in supporting mathematics at interfaces with other disciplines, as well as doctoral training.




    LMH affiliated research units

    LMH partner research units



    The LabEx Mathématiques Hadamard (LMH) project developed five specific scientific projects:

    • Maths for Scientific Computation and Engineering

    • Maths and Artificial Intelligence

    • Maths and Theoretical Physics

    • Maths and Life Sciences

    • Doctoral program


    Thanks to the support of the University of Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, since 2023 the FMJH has been able to restructure and continue the scientific activities of the LMH, even though the latter has been extinguished as such.

    The archives of the actions carried out during this period can be consulted here.