Prix de thèse 2017
Vincent Cohen-Addad
From Practice to Theory : Approximation schemes for clustering and network design under the direction of Claire Mathieu
"This thesis contains pathbreaking and practically very important results concerning local search heuristics for clustering (k-means, k-median) and network design (traveling salesman, Steiner tree). It establishes some structural properties under which these local search heuristics perform very well and even yield polynomial time approximation schemes for these problems."
Joon Kwon
Stratégies de descente miroir pour la minimisation du regret et l'approchabilité sous la direction de Rida Laraki & Sylvain Sorin
"The thesis begins with a remarkably clear presentation of the basics of online linear optimization, regret minimization, mirror descent and approachability. The author develops the analysis of the classical problem of prediction with expert advice in which the outcome vector is assumed to be sparse, and design of optimal approachability strategies for the problem of prediction under partial monitoring. The author also shows how a continuous mirror descent motivates a large set of minimization algorithms in discrete time and the thesis ends with an elegant result bounding variations of convex functions."
Le jury 2017 est présidé par Guillaume Carlier and composed of :
Membres nommés par la ROADEF
Clarisse Dhaenens, CRIStAL, Université de Lille
Marcel Mongeau, ENAC
Sourour Elloumi, ENSTA
Membres nommés par la SMAI
Guillaume Carlier, CEREMADE (Président)
Anatoli Juditsky, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble
Jalal Fadili, ENSICAEN
Membres du nommés par le Conseil Scientifique du PGMO
Luce Brotcorne, INRIA Lille
Julien Mairal, INRIA Grenoble
Jérôme Renault, Toulouse School of Economics