October 28th to 31st, 2014

The Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and operations research (PGMO), launched by EDF and the Jacques Hadamard Mathematical Foundation (FMJH), is a  new type of corporate patronage whose aim is is to foster, liven up a mathematical community of researchers coming from academia and industry, working in the field of optimization and operation research from academic themes to industrial issues.

The Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI) is devoted to applied optimization techniques used in a wide range of industrial problems (energy, banking, transportation and network management). The purpose is to bring together Academics and Industrials to share different experiences and discuss future trends related to this area.

This year, a joint conference PGMO-COPI’14 will be held on October 28th to 31st 2014 in Ecole Polytechnique, Paris-Saclay. Both theoretical and practical issues will be considered.


Invited speakers :

  •  Francis Bach (INRIA, Paris, France)
  •  Viorel Barbu (Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania)
  •  Laurent El Ghaoui (University of Berkeley,USA)
  •  Sourour Elloumi (ENSIIE, Evry, France)
  • René Henrion (Weierstrass Institute, Germany)
  • Jean-Bernard Lasserre (LAAS-CNRS, France)
  • Frédéric Roupin (Universit Paris 13, France)
  • Claudia Sagastizàbal (IMPA, Brasil)
  • Golbon Zakeri (University of Auckland, New Zealand)




Program PGMO COPI'2014
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