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    Map of mathematical research on the Paris-Saclay campus

    The Paris-Saclay Campus occupies a large geographical area south of Paris. It brings together two entities, the Université Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, with which are affiliated scientific research laboratories supported by research organizations such as the CNRS, INRIA, INRAE or the CEA.

    The international recognition of the mathematical community of the Paris-Saclay Campus makes it one of the best destinations in the world for young people looking for a high level training in mathematics or a place to do post-doctoral research. Mathematical research on the Paris Saclay Campus is made up of more than 500 mathematicians holding permanent positions in laboratories and research teams spread across this vast territory and covering the entire spectrum of mathematics.

    This diversity, both geographic and thematic, is a source of wealth, but it is also a source of complication for those who are trying to figure out which theme or place to come to for a PhD or post-doctorate. It is to facilitate this search that we have designed the map of mathematical research on the Paris Saclay campus below.



    Search by themes


    General Pure Mathematics

    • Algebra : LMO, LAG, CMLS, LMV
    • Algebraic Topology and Geometry : LMO, LMV, LAG, CMLS
    • Analysis and Operators Algebras : LMO, CMLS, LaMME 
    • Harmonic Analysis : FdM, LMO, LaMME 
    • Arithmetic and Number Theory : LMO, LMV, LAG, CMLS
    • Differential geometry : LMO, LAG, CMLS
    • Dynamical systems : LMO, CMLS

    Applied Analysis

    • Applied Functional Analysis : LMO,  LaMME, LMV, CMAP
    • Non linear analysis and Partial Differential Equations :  CeBo, FdM, LMO, LAMME, LMV, INRIA, UMA, CMLS, CMAP
    • Mathematical optimization, optimal control theory and applications : FdM, LMO, UMA, INRIA , CMAP
    • Numerical analysis : LMO, LMV, FdM, INRIA , CMAP

    Probability, statistics, machine learning and applications

    • Probability : LMO, LMV, LaMME,  FdM, CMAP, LTCI
    • Statistics and Machine learning : FdM, CeBo, LMO, LMV, LaMME, MIA-Paris, MaIAGE
    • Actuarial science : CREST
    • Mathematical Finance : LaMME, CMAP, CREST

    Mathematical/Computational modeling

    • Mathematical image processing and data analysis : CeBo, CMAP, INRIA
    • Mathematical modeling applied to medicine and life science : Cebo, MIA-Paris, MaIAGE, LMO, INRIA, CMAP
    • Mathematical modeling for physics, chemistry and mechanics : LMV, FdM, CeBo, CMAP

    Interface with Computer Science

    • Discrete structures, graph theory, randomness and geometry : FdM, LMO, INRIA, LTCI
    • Security and privacy, Cryptography : LMV, INRIA
    • Computational biology and Bioinformatics : INRIA, MIA-Paris, MaIAGE
    • Data Science : INRIA, LMO, CeBo, LaMME, CREST, CMAP

    Interface with Physics

    • Theoretical Physics : IPhT, LAG
    • Mathematical Physics : IPhT, LAG, LMO


    Interactive map of mathematical research in Paris-Saclay
    (large perimeter)

    List of laboratories


    • LMO : Laboratoire Mathématiques d'Orsay
    • CeBo : Centre Borelli
    • LMV : Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles
    • LaMME : Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Modélisation d'Evry
    • FdM : Fédération de Mathématiques
    • MIA- Paris-Saclay : Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées - Paris-Saclay
    • MaIAGE : Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées du Génome à l'Environnement
    • IPhT : Institut Physique Théorique
    • LTCI : Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de l'Information
    • CREST : Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique
    • CMAP : Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées
    • CMLS : Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz
    • UMA : Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées
    • INRIA : Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique